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Giới Thiệu
Cập nhật lúc: 9/3/2012 4:34:39 PM
“Club of Women with consumption” was establishd according to the decision No 08-2011/QD-HHBL dated on 13 June 2011 by Association of Vietnam Retailers ( AVR )

The opening ceremony was held on July 9,2011 in Hanoi
 Principles and objectives
 - The Club of Women with consumption under to Association of Vienam Retailers ( AVR ), is a mass organization, the community in the interests of consumers are female, with passion, enthusiasm, interest in the field of consumption ,voluntary participation and observance of The Statute of the club was approved  by the Association on June 13,2011
 - The Club implements activities in order to supply the informations, knowledges about the products- goods and the distribution system on the market Vietnam and the members having awareness of selection and procurement reasonablely, scientificly and effectively…
 - The Club is an organization where women come to exchange their consumption experiences, linking between production-distribution-retail and consumption and is a forum to connect the producers-retailers and consumers
 - The Club is an independent organization, covering its expenditures by itself
·        Activities
 - Information.dissemination of consumption knowledge
 - Exchange and direction of cosumption experiences
 - Exchange between production - circulation and distribution - consumption
 - Participate or organize the activities for researche, investigation, projet…when the cosumption issues occur in the sociey within financial capacity of the club
  - Cooperation and coordination with individuals and organizations at home and abroad on issues related to the field of consumption
·        Mode of activities
 - Hodding periodical activities 6 times per year
 - Develop membership in group / team, members registered in December each year, according to the registration form, consistent with the objective of the club activities
 -  The types of activities:
     1. Organize club activities in the hall: exchange, learn and spread the knowledge and experience related to consumption
     2. Organization of outdoor activities: visits, surveys, communications between production - circulation, distribution and consumption
·        Contact  address
    *   The bureau of the Club:  
         68/26 Thai Thinh 2 – Dong Da – Ha Noi-Viet Nam
         Tel : (08) (04) 38.563.505
         Website :
    *   Director of the club : Eng. Nguyen thi Quynh Chi
 Mobilphone : 0915441619
 E-mail : quynhchi09@

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